- It Doesn't Look Good, But Looks Can Be
This website allows customers to read about and buy short-term
car insurance deals. On the left of the main page there are a
whole host of useful links where users can learn about why and
how short-term car insurance is an invaluable option in certain
situations. While this website may not be much to look at, it is
important to remember that looks can be deceiving. What lies
underneath the unpolished, raw exterior is a company who know
what they are talking about and who are are eager to give fast,
efficient, low-cost, shot-term car insurance to you.
When I looked at I first noticed the
single image on the front page which showed a generic car with
no number plate or driver. I thought this was a bad choice for a
car insurance company because car insurance is all about cars
AND drivers together, it would be better to see pictures of
happy, smiling drivers to suggest that this company is
trustworthy and can satisfy its customers.

next thing I noticed was a big yellow button which I could click
if I wanted to purchase car insurance. Having not yet learned
anything about the service or prices, I didn't feel ready to
commit to buying any cover. As a conscientious shopper I think
it would be better to first see some information about cost and
different available plans before being asked to buy.
I then continued down the page where I saw something that
reassured me. Three red bullet points stood out next to three
pieces of very important information regarding how long the
process would take and what I could buy with this company.
Feeling intrigued by the information in the bullet points I
decided to read on. Although I usually don't like to read a lot
of writing, I didn't mind this time because the information was
useful and answered all my questions before I even knew I had
them. It was great to learn about who can buy insurance and
under what conditions.
I decided to spend more time reading on the website to see if I felt I could trust
this company. When I started reading I was happy with the
information which covered topics I had not previously
considered. It was clear to me that this company has a lot of
information which they are giving to their customers to help
them make the best decisions when buying short-term car